Sven Codes
"Recently" I've created Sven's SudokuPad and the free web app used by Cracking The Cryptic. This page is just a collection of various social links.
The Sudoku web app at app.crackingthecryptic.com was created and is paid for and constantly improved by Sven Neumann. He also publishes the companion mobile/desktop app "Sven's SudokuPad", which helps support the server and development costs of the web app.
You can contact me in various places:
- Interact with svencodes on Twitter
- Watch svencodes on Youtube
- Support svencodes on Patreon
- Support svencodes on Ko-fi
- CtC fan Discord channel: #webapp-feedback
- Sudoku Solvers Discord channel: #sven-discussion
You can find Sven's SudokuPad mobile and desktop app here:
Some Fun Sven & Toby Merch
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